Black Friday is statistically a killer day for PPC. The data collected during this holiday allows new campaign ideas to be implemented and the results from it can be streamlined into the next upcoming months.n

nWhy is it so important?n

nPPC data and results are unique during Black Friday, where all your efforts must blossom in no more than one day, itu2019s do or die. If you make one small single mistake, you can throw all your efforts and time to the trash bin, and Iu2019m not only talking about one day since these results can make a huge difference overall for our yearly stats. n

nIf for some reason you choose not to participate, you may even risk losing ranking to other competitors because of the high amount of traffic during this day. So advertising during Black Friday is a MUST if you want to dominate the industry.n


nWe analyzed a good 300 landing pages who were showing ads for related search terms on this holiday and as you can see from the image below, the search volume for these keywords is dated for November, increasing from under 1M from January through September to nearly 20M searches in November.n
Flo Marketing
nAs a marketer, itu2019s your job to find the best strategy in order to get as much exposure as possible.n

nIf your target market is end consumers, then you should tie your search campaign to sales events. Birthdays, Motheru2019s Day, Fatheru2019s Day, Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Christmas are just some of the generic events where shoppers have a strong buying intent, so make sure you build these into your overall PPC campaign objectives.n

nOnce you roll out that strategy, then you need to conduct a flawless execution in order to get the best results possible. You need to align all the elements that influence the customeru2019s path through the buying funnel, making sure thereu2019s a good continuity between the keyword, ad, and landing page for that specific campaign.n

nAs you noticed, there were a few areas of opportunity because of a slight disconnect between the advertiser, web designer and/or the PPC strategist.n

nOn a bright side, you donu2019t need to be tech savvy about this. The only step that you need to watch out for is to check that thereu2019s an email sequence which involves your PPC department, with a simple checklist before launching the campaign. Below are a few basic questions that you can ask before launching your PPC campaigns:n

nIs the offer strong enough?nIs the page design attractive enough for our customers?nDoes the offer AND page design stand out compared to the competition?nDoes the ad copy match the offer on the landing page?nDoes the keyword, ad copy, and landing page have a flawless continuity?nIf you follow this checklist and make sure everyoneu2019s on the same page, youu2019ll increase your chances of pulling off a successful Black Friday, Cyber Monday, or any other seasonal sales event.nMay the best advertiser win!
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