image blog emoji

Emojis and gifs are the new body language.
Adam Ludwinn

Emoji is a Japanese term which means graphic character. The first emoticon was created by Scott Fahlman, a scientist at Carnegie Mellon University. In 1982 he realized there was a need to emphasize tone in forum conversations. According to a study by Swyft Media, 74% of US users regularly use stickers, emojis or emoticons in their online communication, with a total average of 96 per day.

7 reasons why marketing companies choose to implement emojis in their content:

  1. Increases popularity on their social networks
  2. Reaction is the same as if it were a real human face
  3. Proper business environment
  4. Softens the scope of a criticism
  5. They make companies seem more friendly and competent
  6. Create a more positive professional environment
  7. They are a valuable addition to communication

Advantages of implementing emojis in your social networks:

  • Express feelings and emotions quickly
  • Humanize and bring the brand closer to users
  • Maintain and soften comments
  • Improve communication and help highlight messages
  • They serve to increase followers and popularity in social networks

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